2024 TSDA General Session

TSDA General Session

Welcome, Dr. David Cooke

TSDA Committee Reports
Finance, Dr. Jonathan Nesbitt
TSDA In-Training Exam, Dr. Ravi Ghanta
Congenital Cardiac Surgery Fellowship Committee, Dr. Stephanie Fuller
Faculty Development Committee, Dr. Sara Pereira
Professionalism and Ethics Committee, Dr. David Cooke
TECoG, Dr. Kirsten Freeman

Special Presentations
Responding to ACGME Citations, Dr. Shari Meyerson
ABTS Update, Dr. Cameron Wright
2024-25 Interview Season, Dr. David Tom Cooke

TSRA Update

TSDA General Session

Welcome, Dr. David Cooke

Benson R. Wilcox Award, Dr. Rita Milewski

TSRA Report, Dr. David Blitzer

TSDA Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report, Dr. Jonathan Nesbitt
Congenital Cardiac Surgery Fellowship, Dr. Stephanie Fuller
TECoG, Dr. Kirsten Freeman
TSDA In-Training Exam, Dr. Ravi Ghanta

ABTS Reports
Candidate Readiness for Certification, Dr. David Fullerton
Entrustable Professional Activities, Dr. Stephen Yang

ACGME Report
Review Committee Update, Dr. Chris Fox

President’s Remarks, Dr. David Cooke

Written Reports
Early Specialization Committee, Dr. Ahmet Kilic
Faculty Development Committee, Dr. Elizabeth David